HRORBN Past Questions for HIM – Download now on this page free Health Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria (HRORBN) National Board Final Professional Licensing Examination Questions for Professional Diploma, National Diploma, Higher National Diploma in Health Information Management HIM.
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Health Information Management is the collection, analysis, storing, protecting and ensuring the quality of patient health information.
Health information management professionals work with physicians, and nurses to ensure health information is documented accurately and securely and manage key aspects of health information reporting and protection.
The Board (HRORBN) is a Federal Government agency established by Decree 39 of 1989 (now CAP H2 2004 LFN). And saddle with the mandate to control and regulate the practice of Health Records Management in Nigeria and matters relating thereto.
Table of Contents
Health Records Officers’ Registration Board of Nigeria (HRORBN)
The Functions of the Board
The Functions of the Board include the following:
(a) Determining what standards of knowledge and skill shall be attained by a person seeking to become a member of the profession of health records management and improving those standards from time to time of list of those person;
(b) Securing in accordance with the provision of the Act, the establishment and maintenance of a register of persons registered under the Act as member of the profession and the publication from time to time of lists of those persons;
(c) Conducting examinations in health records management and awarding certificates or diplomas to successful candidates as appropriate , and for such purpose the Board shall prescribe fees to be paid in respect thereof, and;
(d) Performing such other functions conferred on the Board by this Decree.
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HIM Professional Licensing Exam Entry Requirement
National Diploma in Health Information Management
Duration: 2 years + 1 year (IT)
Entry Qualification:
Five (5) O’L Credit in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and one other subject from Geography, Economics, Religious Studies and national Language.
Professional Diploma or HIM Technician in Health Information Management
Duration: 3 years (Approved and Accredited by Health Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria)
Entry Qualification:
Three (3) O’L credit in English Language, Mathematics/ Biology/Health Science and two passes in Physics or Chemistry and any other Subject.
Higher National Diploma:
Candidate must have undergo the one year compulsory IT in a Board approved hospital on successful completion of the National Diploma /Professional Diploma in addition to the basic entry requirement for the National Diploma.
Professional Diploma PD HIM Licensing Exam Final Year Course.
ANP – Anatomy And Physiology
BSH – Biostatistics
CCO – Clinical Coding and Data Classification
CPS – Computer Science
HPM – Health Planning Management
HRM – Health Record Management

HRORBN Past Questions for Professional Diploma Examination
Click to download a free HRORBN Past Questions for Professional Diploma Examination – HIM Technician
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Link 2 – HIM Technical PD Past Questions
Link 3 – Health Records Management HRM Past Questions
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CAP H2 LFN 2004 (Established by Decree 39, 1989)
EXAMINATION: Professional Licensing Examination TIME: 9AM – 12PM
CATEGORY: Professional Diploma (PD) TIME ALLOWED: 3 Hours
SUBJECT: Health Records Management (HRM) DATE: 5th JULY, 2022
1a. Distinguish between medical records and health records. 5 marks
1b. Explain the difference between Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records System. 5 marks
1c. Explain the need for accuracy when documenting Demographic and Clinical Information in the patients’ health record. 10 marks
- List five (5) sections in Health Records Department and discuss their functions. 20 marks
3a. Explain the roles of ‘Patient Master Name Index’ to an efficient health Information management system. 10 marks
3b. List five (5) demographic information required on a patient name index card. 5 marks
3c. Describe the filling systems or the patient Master Name index. 5 marks
4a. What is an outpatient appointment system? 2 marks
4b. Enumerate five (5) benefits of appointment system. 5 marks
4c. List and describe two types of outpatient appointment system. 10 marks
4d. List three (3) methods of maintaining outpatient appointment system. 3 marks
5a. Explain misfiling and mislaying of patient records. 5 marks
5b. Enumerate five possible causes of misfiling and mislaying of patent records. 5 marks
5c. Describe five (5) ways by which misfiling and mislaying of patients records can be prevented. 10 marks
- Write short notes on the following records numbering methods:
i. Annual ii. Date of birth iii. Family iv. Primary Health Care v. Alphabetical 4 marks each
7a. Explain a CONSENTS in the context of patient care management. 4 marks
7b. Describe the process of obtaining consent for a procedure. 6 marks
7c. Explain five (5) conditions under which patient’s information may be released a third party without a consent. 10 marks