Download now on this page Free National Examination Council NECO Wood Work Past Questions, Objective and Essay

NECO Essay Questions on Wood Work,
Question l
(1)(a) Arrange the following mass production activities in their sequential order of occurrence:
•(i) trial assembly;
•(ii) procurement of materials;
•(iii) preparation of working drawings;
•(iv) final assembly;
•(v) preparation of materials;
•(vi) setting out and cutting of joints.
(b) List two types of widening joint.
(c) List two sources of funds open to a wood working sole proprietor.
Candidates were expected to do the following:
(1) arrange the listed activities in their sequential order of occurrence;
(2) list two widening joints;
(3) list two sources of funds open to a woodworking sole proprietor.
The solution is shown below:
(a)Mass production activities in sequential order:
•(i) preparation of working drawings;
•(ii) procurement of materials;
•(iii) preparation of materials:
•(iv) setting out and cutting of joints;
•(v) trial assembly;
•(vi) final assembly.
(b)Types of widening joint:
•(i) dowel joint;
•(ii) tongued and grooved joint (tongue and groove joint);
•(iii) loose tongue and groove joint (feather joint);
•(iv) slot screw joint;
•(v) rebated joint;
•(vi) rubbed glued joint (plain butt joint);
•(vii) biscuit joint.
(c) Sources of funds open to a woodworking sole proprietor:
•(i) personal savings;
•(ii) sale of shares;
•(iii) loans from friends;
•(iv) assistance from family members;
•(v) loan from cooperatives;
•(vi) thrift contributions (Esusu);
•(vii) bank loans;
•(viii) inheritance;
•(ix) grants-in-aid from government/donor agencies;
•(x) sale of personal property.
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NECO Wood Work Theory Questions
Question 2
(2)(a) State two clothing habits that can cause accidents in a wood workshop.
(b)Describe how the teeth of a panel saw are set.
(c)List two wood lathe cutting tools.
Candidates were expected to:
(1) state two clothing habits that can cause accidents in a woodwork shop;
(2) describe how the teeth of a panel saw are set;
(3) list two wood lathe cutting tools.
The solution is as follow s:
(a) Clothing habits that can cause an accident in a wood workshop:
•(i) wearing loose/oversize outer clothing;
•(ii) wearing loose apron/overall;
•(iii) wearing long sleeve shirt;
•(iv) wearing long hair;
•(v) wearing jewelry (wrist watch, necklace, ring);
•(vi) wearing flying tie;
•(vii) wearing non protective foot wear;
•(viii) wearing sagging trousers:
•(ix) wearing unlaced foot wear;
•(x) wearing inappropriate workshop clothing
(b) How to set a panel saw teeth:
(A) By hand:
- mount the saw in a saw vice/bench vice;
- mark the starting tooth on one end of the saw;
- starting from the marked tooth, use a saw set to bend about 14 the top of each alternate tooth toward self;
- turn the saw around and bend the remaining teeth the same way.
(B) Using machine:
- fix the saw on the machine vice;
- mark the starting tooth;
- set the machine to the amount of set required;
- start the machine and adjust to start setting from the marked tooth to the end of the saw;
- stop the machine and turn the saw around;
- start the machine to set alternate teeth;
- stop machine and remove the saw.
(c) Wood lathe cutting tools:
Parting chisel, skew chisel, round nose chisel, square chisel, spear point chisel, roughing-out gouge, spindle gouge, bowel gouge, square scraper, flat or facing chisel, flat scraper, diamond scraper, spear point scraper.
Wood Work NECO Past Questions,
NECO Questions on Wood Work,
NECO Objective Questions on Wood Work,
NECO Essay Questions on Wood Work,