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History Paper 2 – Theory/Essay Questions.
History Paper 3 – Objective Test Questions.
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SSCE NECO History Objective Questions – Paper 3.
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Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct options for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you Chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below
Knowledge of the use of iron enabled the early man in West Africa to
A. learn the practice of agriculture.
B. control his environment more effectively.
C. acquire the knowledge of warfare.
D. develop a religious culture.
The correct answer is control his environment more effectively, which is lettered B and therefore answer … B would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
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NECO Paper 3 Objective Test Questions in History.
- History is derived from a Greek word historia which means
A. events.
B. culture.
C. development.
D. inquiry. - Students should study history because it
A. explains why ancient people fought wars.
B. explains how nations rose and flourished.
C. develops a sense of human solidarity
D. enables the students to read better. - History develops the ability in students to
A. read and interpret questions correctly
B. have respect for truth and intellectual integrity
C. identify all foreigners in a state
D. know about past leaders only. - Emphasis is placed on non-documentary sources of writing African history because
A. non-documentary sources come from very old people.
B. documentary sources have proved incomplete.
C. non-documentary sources tell interesting stories.
D. documentary sources are expensive. - Which of the following groups of sources of history is non-documentary?
A. Linguistics, oral tradition and Newspapers
B. Diaries, Archaeology and Oral tradition
C. Linguistics. Oral tradition and Archaeology
D. Archaeology. Linguistics and Letters - The wells at the oases along the trade routes of the trans-Saharan trade were properly maintain by
A. Keneta berber
B. Bodouin Arab
C. Shuwa Arab
D. Tuarag Tribesmen. - In the trans-Saharan trade. salt was imported into the Western Sudan states from
A. Bilma and Agades
B. Taghaza and Agades
C. Takedda and Bilma
D. Bilma and Taghaza - The route which began from Morocco and Algeria to Fez. Marakesh, Sijilmasa and Awdaghost in the trans-Saharan trade was the
A. central route.
B. western route.
C. northern route.
D. southern route. - One of the major events in West Africa during the 19th century was the
A. Islamic movements
B. building of colleges.
C. establishment of industries.
D. empowerment of graduates. - Islam was brought to West Africa from North Africa by the
A. Tijaniyya.
B. Berber.
C. Almornvids.
D. Ahmadiyya. - Islam entered the West African region through
A. trade and agriculture.
B. cattle rearing and warfare.
C. trade and peaceful means.
D. agriculture and warfare. - One universal den of desolation, misery and crime. Europeans used these words to describe
A. urban centres in Africa after independence.
B. the enclaves of some secret societies.
C. Africa before the coming of Europeans
D. the rural areas during the colonial rules - The greatest effect of European conquest of states in West Africa was the
A. mass movement of Africans to Europe.
B. loss of political independence.
C. decrease in number of Arabic Schools.
D increase in the number of petitions to colonial governors. - The Europeans powers were successful in taking over lands in West Africa because the Africans were
A. in need of European goods.
B. not in religious harmony
C. prepared to give up their land.
D. militarily weak generally - The use of African slaves to save the Indians from extinction in the Americas was recommended by
A. Emperor Charles V of Spain
B. Bartholomew de las Casas.
C. Isabel de Sosa.
D. The British crown. - Slaves awaiting shipment were kept in a special place known as
A. slaves house
B. cell.
C. barracoon
D. Stare. - In the 19th century, European nations ended the trans-Atlantic slave trade in Africa for
A. diplomatic and romantic reasons.
B. economic and humanitarian reasons
C. political and tactical reasons.
D. psychological reasons only. - An important reason for the abolition of the slave trade was because
A. Europeans had enough slaves.
B. slaves were no longer efficient.
C. of the effects of the Industrial Revolution.
D. slaves pleaded for freedom. - Liberia was founded to serve as a place of settlement for freed slaves from
A. Britain.
B. Portugal.
C. United States.
D. Cuba. - The most effective method that the British used to suppress the slave trade was the
A. declaration of war on some European nations.
B. mobilization of its navy to patrol the high seas.
C. mobilization of African warriors against it
D. declaration of war on some African kingdoms. - On their arrival, the Portuguese tried to spread Christianity by first converting
A. educated people.
B. the warriors.
C. the children.
D. kings and chiefs - The early Christian missionaries faced the following problems except
A. malaria and yellow fever.
B. language barrier.
C. attacks from African gods.
D. severe local opposition - The education provided by the missionaries focused mainly on
A. financial subjects.
B. technical subjects.
C. science and reading.
D. reading and writings. - The most efficient means the Christian missionaries used in the 19th century to spread Christianity in West Africa was
A. building of roads.
B. promotion of agriculture.
C. setting up of schools.
D. advising local chiefs - Christian missionaries before 1800 engaged in all the following activities except
A. training of priest
B. training of craftsmen
C. appointment of chiefs.
D. introduction of new crops.
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NECO History Theory/Essay Past Questions,
All Questions Carry Equal Marks PART 1 HISTORY OF NIGERIA This part must be answered by Candidates in Nigeria only SECTION A NIGERIA UP TO 1800 Answer at least one question from this section. 1. Highlight any five factors that led to the fall of Kanem-Borno Empire. [15 marks] 2. In what five ways did trade promote inter-group relations in pre-colonial Nigeria? [15 marks] 3a Give two reasons for the migration of Nigerian groups in pre-colonial times. [6 marks] 3b. Why were there so many wars among the peoples of Nigeria in pre-colonia times? [9 marks] 4. How was the government of Oyo Empire organized? [15 marks] SECTION B Nigeria in the 19th Century Answer at least one question from this section. 5. Describe the problems faced by Muhammad Bello in the administration of the Sokoto Caliphate. [15 marks] 6. What steps did the British take to slop slave trade in Nigeria? 7a. Name any three missionary societies that came to Nigeria in the 19th century. 7b. Give four reasons why the Christian Missionaries came to Nigeria. 8. Explain five factors that contributed to the early conquest of Nigeria by the British.
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