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we at has compiled a good number of NECO Chemistry Past Questions
Chemistry Paper 2 – Theory/Essay Questions
Chemistry Paper 3 – Objective Test Questions
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Table of Contents
NECO Chemistry Objective Questions
Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen.
Give only one answer to each question and erase completely any answer you wish to change.
Do all rough work on the question paper.
Chemistry Paper 3 (III) Objective Test Questions
Each question is followed by five options lettered A – E.
1. The raw material used in cement production is
A. calcium trioxocarbonate(IV).
B. hydrochloric acid.
C. sodium trioxocarbonate(IV).
D. tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid.
E. trioxocarbonate(IV) acid.
2. When bromine atom changes to bromide ion, it
A. is neutralized.
B. is oxidised.
C. is reduced.
D. loses a proton.
E. loses an electron.
3. The following are non electrolytes except
A. benzene.
B. ethanol.
C. petrol.
D. sodium ethanoate.
E. sucrose solution.
4. The best way to dispose chemical waste is by
A. burning.
B. burying.
C. decomposing.
D. recycling.
E. refrigerating.
5.Which of the following forms an anion by accepting an electron?
A. Chlorine
B. Hydrogen
C. Magnesium
D. Potassium
E. Sodium
6. Calculate the relative molecular mas of sodium hydrogen tetraoxosulphate (Vl).
(Na=23, H=l, S=32, O=16).
A. 130
B. 120
C. 66
D. 64
E. 46
7. The measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas is its
A. density.
B. mass.
C. pressure.
D. temperature.
E. volume.
8. The brown ring test is for identification of
A. nitrogen (II) oxide.
B. nitrogen (III) oxide.
C. nitrogen (IY) oxide.
D. tetraoxosulphate (VI) ion.
E. trioxonitrate (V) ion.
9. Ethanol is used in alcohol thermometer because of its
A. high boiling point.
B. high freezing point.
C. high melting point.
D. low freezing point.
E. high volatility.
10. The gas used in fire extinguisher is
A. argon.
B. caibon(IV) oxide.
C. nitrogen.
D. oxygen.
E. water vapour.
11. The chemical process that uses steam, coke and water for the production of hydrogen is known as
A. bosch.
B. contact
C. frasch.
D. haber.
E. solvay.
12.A salt which loses its water of crystallization on exposure to the atmosphere is
A. anhydrous.
B. deliquescent
C. effervescent
D. efflorescent.
E. fluorescent.
13. Calculate the concentration in gdm-3 of a solution containing 0.01 moldm-3 of K2CO3
(K= 39, C = 12, O = 16).
A. 0.47
B. 0.67
C. 1.38
D. 1.40
E. 2.38
18. Hypochlorous acid is used as a bleaching agent because it/it’s
A. a reducing agent
B. a strong acid.
C. a weak acid.
D. an oxidizing agent.
E. forms chlorine in water.
19. A base that is soluble in water is referred to as
A. acid.
B. alkali.
C. crystal.
D. hydride.
E. salt
20.The components of universal indicator can be separated by
21.Potassium is difficult to extract because it
A. evaporates very fast.
B. has low density.
C. is deliquescent.
D. is highly reactive.
E. is soft.
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NECO Chemistry Theory Questions
Do not open this paper until you are told to do so. While waiting, read the following carefully.
Write your Name and Examination Number in the spaces provided at the top right-hand comer of the booklet
This paper consists of six questions. Answer four questions only.
Write your answer in blue or black ink in your answer booklet Only Scientific or English names are acceptable.
All questions carry equal marks.
Use of mobile phone is not allowed.
Use of scientific calculator is allowed.
Chemistry Paper 2 (II) Essay Questions
Answer any four questions from this paper.
1(a) i. Mention three examples of heavy chemicals. (3marks)
ii. 3Cu(s) + 8 HNO3(aq) -> 3Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 4H2O(l) + 2NO(g)
From the equation above which of the substances is:
I. An oxidizing agent
II. A reducing agent (2marks)
iii. What is the oxidation state of copper in CuCl? (l mark)
(b) i. State three factors that determine preferential discharge of ions. (3marks)
ii. Mention two factors that affect the standard electrode potential. (2marks)
(c) Zinc tetraoxosulphate(VI) solution was electrolysed with 0.6 ampere for 1300 seconds, depositing 0.288 g of zinc at the cathode.
Calculate the number of:
i. Moles of zinc deposited
ii. Coulombs of electricity required
(1 Faraday = 96,500C, Zn = 65) (6marks)
(d) i. What is reforming? (2marks)
ii. State two reactions that occur during reforming. (2marks)
iii. Give two conditions necessary for rusting to occur. (2marks)
iv. Mention two ways in which rusting can be prevented. (2marks)
2(a) i. Name two natural processes that involve the use of carbon(IV) oxide in the atmosphere. (2marks)
ii. Mention two sources of chemical wastes. (2marks)
iii. How many unpaired electrons are present in the d-orbital of Fe3+? (lmark)
(b) i. List three types of iron. (3marks)
ii. Mention two adverse effects of chemistry. (2marks)
Chemistry Theory Questions 3 – 5 omitted – removed
6(a) i. Describe one chemical test to distinguish between ethene and ethyne. (3marks)
ii. Write an equation for the reaction of ethene with hydrogen. (3 marks)
(b) i. State the reasons why it is not safe for a human to stay in a closed garage with a car engine running for a long time. (3marks)
ii. What is the relative atomic mass of an element? (2marks)
iii. Calculate the volume of oxygen liberated if 5.6 dm-3 of SO3 was heated in excess oxygen. (molar volume of a gas = 22.4 dm3) (5 marks)
(c) i. What is the importance of NaCl in the production of soap? (3marks)
ii. Mention two advantages of soapless detergent? (2marks)
(d) i. State three properties of enzymes. (3 marks)
ii. What is the effect of heat on protein? (l mark)
iii. What name is given to the process in (d)ii? (l mark)
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National Examination Council NECO Chemistry Past Questions by Charles Obaleagbon on Scribd