Many Primary School Teacher and Parent whose children are about the get their education in Nigeria are looking for how to download History Scheme of work for Primary School in Nigeria.
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Scheme of Work on History for Basic or Primary School
Middle Basic (Primary 4 – 6). The contents of the curriculum focus Heroes and Heroines in Nigeria; Origins and Peopling; Geography and Environment; Political Developments in Nigeria
Religions in Nigeria; Economy, Trade and Commerce

Table of Contents
History Scheme of Work for Primary 4 – Topic
Political Development in Nigeria
The Four Early Regions in Nigeria
States Creation in Nigeria
Colonial Administratively Headquarters of British Protectorate
Federal Capitals
Heroes and Heroines in Nigeria
Heroes and Heroines in Nigeria I
Heroes and Heroines in Nigeria II
Origins and Peopling
Some Nigerian Peoples I
Some Nigerian Peoples II
Some Nigerian Peoples III
Geography and Environment
Important Historical Features and Sites in Nigeria I
Major Historical Features and Sites in Nigeria II
History Scheme of Work for Primary 5 – Topic
Political Developments in Nigeria
British Rule in Nigerja
Nationalists and Nationalism in Nigeria
Some Nationalists in Nigeria
Nigerian Independence
Religions in Nigeria
Traditional Religions in Nigeria
Islam in Nigeria
Christianity in Nigeria
Economy, Trade and Commerce
Traditional occupations in the locality
Traditional Occupations of the Peoples in the State
Traditional Occupations of the Peoples of Nigeria: The Hausa People
Traditional Occupations of the Peoples of Nigeria: The Yoruba People
Traditional Occupations of the Peoples of Nigeria: The Igbo People
History Scheme of Work for Primary 6 – Topic
Political Development
Civil Rule in Nigeria
Military Rule in Nigeria
Economy, Trade and Commerce
Oil Economy
The Growth of industries in Nigeria
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Scheme of Work for History Primary 4 First Term
Below is History Scheme of work for primary school basic/pry 4 first Term
History teacher can teach with this, while student can read ahead with it.
1. | RESUMPTION TEST | Resumption Test | Resumption Test | Resumption Test |
2. | THE FOUR EARLY REGIONS IN NIGERIA | a. Eastern region b. Mid Western region | Teacher leads pupils to state the four early regions in Nigeria. | Pupils states the four early regions in Nigeria. |
3. | THE FOUR EARLY REGIONS IN NIGERIA | a. Northern region b. Western region | Displays the map of Nigeria | Observe the map of Nigeria. |
4. | THE FOUR EARLY REGIONS IN NIGERIA | a. Location of each of the regions in the map of Nigeria. b. Eastern region c. Mid Western region . d. Northern region e. Western region | Displays the map of Nigeria | Observe the map of Nigeria. |
5. | THE FOUR EARLY REGIONS IN NIGERIA | The major ethnic groups in the regions a. Igbos b. Edo, Urhobo etc c. Hausa etc d. Yoruba | Guides them to name the major ethnic groups in each of the regions. | Name the ethnic groups each of the early regions. |
6. | THE FOUR EARLY REGIONS IN NIGERIA | States in each of the four early regions. a. Eastern region – Imo, Abia, Enugu etc. b. Mid Western region – Edo c. Northern region – Kano, Katsina, Sokoto etc d. Western region – Oyo, Ekiti etc | Guides them to name the states in each of the regions. | Name the states in each of the regions |
7. | STATE CREATION IN NIGERIA | a. Meaning of state creation. b. Reasons for state creation. c. Number of state created in 1967. d. Names of the states created | a. Leads learners to give the meaning of state creation. b. Guides them to state the reasons for state creation. c. Guides them to state the number of state created in 1967. d. Leads them to name the states created in 1967. | a. Gives the meaning of state creation. b. State the reasons for state creation. c. State the number of states created in 1967. d. Name the states created in 1967. |
8. | STATE CREATION IN NIGERIA | Name of the head of state and the governors of the states created in 1967. | Guide the learners to name the head of state and governors of states created in 1967. | Mention the name of the head of state and governors of states created in 1967. |
9. | COLONIAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUATERS OF BRITISH PROTECTORATE | a. Calabar. b. Lokoja. | Guides learners to state the colonial administrative headquarters of the British protectorates in the Nigeria area. | State the colonial administrative headquarters of the British protectorate. |
10. | COLONIAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUATERS OF BRITISH PROTECTORATE | The year they were made headquarters of the British protectorate. | Leads learners to state when they were made the headquarters of the British protectorates. | State when they were made the headquarters of the British protectorates. |
11. | FEDERAL CAPITALS | a. First federal capital of Nigeria (Lagos). b. The year it was made the federal capital. c. The name of the then head of state. | Leads learners to state the first federal capital of Nigeria. | State the first federal capital of Nigeria. Mention the year it was made the federal capital.State the name of the then head of state. |
12. | FEDERAL CAPITALS | The Current Federal Capital Abuja. Year it was established.Location of the old and current federal capitals. | Guides learners to state the name of the current federal capital and the year it was created. Displays map of Nigeria. | Name the current federal capital and the year it was created. Locate the old and the new current federal capital territories on the map of Nigeria. |
13. | Revision | Revision | Revision | Revision |
14. | Examination | Examination | Examination | Examination |
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Read Also: History SOW for Secondary Schools in Nigeria
How to Download History Scheme of Work Pry 4-6
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