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Store Management Paper 2 – Essay or Theory Questions
Store Management Paper 3 – Objective Test Questions
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NECO SSCE Store Mgt Past Questions

40 Minutes
Each question is followed by five options lettered A – E. Choose the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space that bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question and erase completely any answer you wish to change. Do all rough work on this question paper.
An example is given below:
Which of the following is not a means of payment through the post office?
A. Giro system
B. Money order
C. Postage stamp
D. Postal order
E. Standing order
The correct option is ‘Standing order’ which is lettered E. Therefore answer space E would be shaded as shown below;
[A] [C] [D] [E]
NECO Store Management Objective Questions
1.Proper storekeeping involves the following except
A. Giving access to all persons in the store.
B. Issuing items and updating the bin card.
C. Proper ventilation and lighting of the store.
D. Provision of safety devices.
E. Recording of each item in a bin card.
2. While taking delivery of materials from suppliers, the store officer is expected to prepare a
A. bin card.
B. goods receipt voucher.
C. stock ledger.
D. stock taking sheet.
E. store issue voucher.
3. Store items that are prone to fire are regarded as _ good
A. combustible
B. evaporated
C. expendable
D. liquid
E. perishable
4. Extra hour(s) spent by a store officer on duty is regarded as
A. additional shift
B. late hour
C. overtime
D. shift
E. work hour
5. The dynamic process undertaken by an individual to create wealth is
A. entrepreneurship
B manufacturing
C. retailing
D. storekeeping
E. wholesaling
6. Which of the following classification of products can best be stored in cold storage?
A. Convenience
B. Pharmaceutical
C. Shopping
D. Speciality
E. Unsought
7. Government regulates businesses to
A. create uniformity in commercial activities
B. encourage hoarding of goods
C. enhance production of low quality goods
D. ensure interrupted supply of goods
E. promote monopoly
8. The bin card differs from store ledger in ledger in that. It contains the
A. date and source of receipt individual item
B. details of maximum, minimum and reordering
C. location of each storage item and their prices
D. name and description of each item of stock held
E. quantity balance at the end of each transaction.
9. Receiving and issuing materials from the store is an objective of
A. inventory control
B. stocktaking
C. store layout
D. store organisation
E. storekeeping
10. An organisation is said to have a centralized store system when
A. all stocks and supplies are received, stored and issued from one location.
B. only one store officer attends to all requisitions.
C only one store officer receives all items brought to the storehouse
D. stocks and supplies ore obtained from one source.
E. supplies are issued from the main store to departmental or sub stores.
11. Which of the following is a characteristic of warehousing?
A. Absence of loading and offloading equipment
B. Inappropriate management of goods
C. insufficient security personnel
D. sufficient parking space to facilitate loading and offloading of goods
E. Unavailability of fire fighting equipment
12. Materials in the store are said to be issued out for conversion when they are
A. delivered lo the final users
B. expected to be returned to the store later as manufactured goods
C. issued from a temporary store within the establishment
D. issued on loan to another organization.
E. issued to another organisation
13. Idea generation as an entrepreneurial activity can be hindered by the following except
A. Fear of committing mistakes.
B. lack of funds for research
C. lack of time
D. sheer ignorance
E. sufficient training
14. The government agency established to prevent hoarding by seller who refuse to sell at controlled rate is
A. Corporate Affairs
B. Environmental control
C. Nigeria Investment Promotion council
D. Price Control Board
E. Standard Organization of Nigeria
15. The material that is prone to fire easily in a store is
A. envelope
B. gas
C. oil
D. poultry
E. toothbrush
16. Merchandise manufactured ahead of supply which are later brought out of the store for sales are __ stock
A. anticipation
B. buffer
C. new old
D. obsolete
E. out of
17. Pilferages and stock shortages are problems associated with poor
A. inventory control
B. layout selection
C. physical distribution
D. requisitioning
E. transportation
18. To ensure safe and healthy working environment, employees will require
A. inflammable items
B. insufficient information on safety issues
C. training in basic safety rules
D. unhealthy atmosphere at work place
E. untidy working environment
19. Which of the following is a reason for holding stock in a production factory?
A. Halting rapid replenishment of items in constant demand
B. Increasing the risk of suppliers failure
C. Interrupted production
D. Meeting unexpected demand
E. Negligence against lead time uncertainties
20. The most suitable system of numbers or symbols that can be used to represent chemical products in the store is _ coding.
A. colour
B. end use
C. nature of item
D. numerical
E. suppliers’
21. The highest position in large store organization hierarchy is
A. Chief Store Officer.
B. Chief Storekeeper.
C. Stock Record Officer.
D. Stores Officer.
E. Stores Supervisor.
22. One of the advantages of item* coding ii
A. difficulty in items identification
B. difficulty in locating coded items
C. casing the requisitioning process
D. increasing costs of coded items
E. lack of standardization in the coding system
23. Easy accessibility of materials is a reason for proper store
A. identification
B. inspection
C. layout
D. maintenance
E. organisation
24. Arrangement of codes to correspond with the purpose for which items are used explains
A. colour coding
B. end use coding
C. identification by numbers
D. nature of items
E. suppliers’ code
Want more NECO SSCE Past Exam Questions?
Get the Complete NECO Store Management Objectives and Essay Past Questions and answers from us

Store Management NECO Essay Questions
Answer five questions only.
1a. What is stock control? (4 marks)
1b. Mention and explain two types of inventory control. (8 marks)
1c. List and discuss two method of stock issue. (8 marks)
2a. Define the term “requisitioning” (4 marks)
2b. List and explain four issuing procedures. (16 marks)
3. State and expatiate on five functions of a warehouse keeper. (20 marks)
4. Enumerate and explain five reasons for holding stock by an organization. (20 marks)
5a. Write extensively on five precautionary measures that should be taken by the storekeeper regarding the safe custody of store keys. (15 marks)
5b.List five safety wears commonly used in the storehouse (5 marks)
(i) (3 marks)
(ii) (3 marks)
(iii) (3 marks)
(iv) (3 marks)
(v) (3 marks)
6b. (5 marks)
7. (20 marks)
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