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WAEC Goverment Paper 2 – Theory/Essay Questions.
WAEC Goverment Paper 1 – Objective Test Questions.
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WAEC Government Objective Questions
GOVERNMENT PAPER I (Objective Test Questions)
Paper 1 will last for 1 hours
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Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct options for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you Chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below
Indirect rules was introduced into the British West Africa by
A. George Goldie.
B. Frederick Lugard.
C. Donald Cameron.
D. Margery Perham.
The correct answer is Frederick Lugard, which is lettered B and therefore answer space B would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
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Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change Now answer the following questions
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Government Paper I Objective Test Question.
A government performs the following functions except
A. safeguarding Life and property.
B. maintaining law and order.
C. providing ail the needs of its citizens.
D. providing basic welfare needs.
The basic purpose of setting up a State is to
A. maintain law and order.
B. protect foreign interest.
C. promote development.
D. provide social facilities.
A political system in which government Controls every aspect of a citizen’s life is
A. feudalism.
B. monarchy.
C. democracy.
D. totalitarianism.
A political system in which the State owns and Controls the major means of production is known as
A. feudalism.
B. socialism.
C. fascism.
D. capitalism.
Communist governments aim at distributing goods and services according to
A. gender and class.
B. loyalty to the party.
C. need and ability.
D. work and residence.
The theory of separation of powers is associated with
A. Jean Bodin.
B. Baron de Montesquieu.
C. A.V. Dicey.
D. J.J. Rousseau
The process of taking part in the selection of leaders in a country is political
A. socialization.
B. participation.
C. interaction.
D. culture.
By comparism, a State is
A. less permanent than a government.
B. i more permanent than a government.
C. more changeable than a government.
D. equally permanent with a government.
In modem démocraties, a government is
A. a contract between the rulers and the ruled.
B. a preserve of the political party in power.
C. monopoly of the ethnic groups in the majority.
D. alternation of power between the majority and minority tribes.
Rule of law can be limited by
A. power.
B. state of emergency.
C. legitimacy.
D. checks and balances.
The principle of separation of powers becomes meaningful when it is linked with the concept of
A. the certainty of the law.
B. checks and balances.
C. legality of the law.
D. judicial independence.
Which of the following factors does not militate against representative government in West Africa?
A. Electoral irregularities
B. Coup d’etat
C. Gagged media
D. Universal adult suffrage
Those who believe in democracy and good governance are opposed to a single party System because it
A. encourages weak leadership.
B. does not ensure national unity.
C. curtails personal libeity
D. encourages divisiveness.
The fundamental law of a country refers to its
A. acts of parliament.
B. conventions.
C. constitution.
D. judicial precedence.
A country’s constitution could be derived from the following sources except
A. judicial precedents.
B. customary sources.
C. statutory sources.
D. party manifesto.
Planning and formulation of government policies are first initiated at
A. cabinet meetings.
B. media houses.
C. political rallies.
D. open forum.
Which of the following is the primary function of parliament?
A. Impeachment of the president
B. Making of laws
C. Ratifying international treaties
D. Acting as an electoral college
Judicial review is a mechanism for checking
A. arbitrary use of power.
B. irresponsible journalism.
C. electoral malpractice.
D. military adventures.
In a parliamentary System of government, the legislature and executive are fused to ensure
A. supremacy of the ruling party in administering the State.
B. smoothness in the administration of the State.
C. the constitution is read in parliament at all times.
D. the judiciary consults parliament before ruling on cases.
A country with homogeneous societies and a small population is suitable for the establishment of
A. a nation State.
B. a unitary State.
C. a federal State.
D. an autonomous State.
Which of the following factors usually leads to the collapse of a confédéral State?
A. Weak central govemment
B. Absence of a confederal parliament
C. Ill-equipped armed forces
D. Absence of a ceremonial Head of State
In the presidential System of government, the chief executive is responsible to the
A. judiciary.
B. monarch.
C. electorate.
D. senate.
Which of the following alternatives is a feature of a federation?
A. Unwritten constitution
B. Unicameral legislature
C. Supremacy of the constitution
D. Right to secede
A federal government is a form of
A. decentralization.
B. centralization.
C. confederation.
D. revolution.
To preserve individual liberties, the judiciary should
A. consist of honest and impartial judges.
B. be appointed by the executive.
C. be prosecuted for judgment against the executive.
D. participate in partisan politics.
Citizens can seek redress against injustice from the State through the
A. ombudsman.
B. head of civil service.
C. Civil Service Commission.
D. titular executive.
Which of these is not a source of revenue for political parties?
A. Dues
B. Grants
C. Tolls
D. Donations
Which of these functions is performed by both political parties and pressure groups?
A. Interest aggregation and articulation
B. Source of mediation in a State
C. Provision of specialized information
D. Seeking to manage affairs of a State
Pressure groups seek to influence the policies of government
A. to the advantage of their members.
B. so that all citizens can benefit.
C. to suit the manifestoes of political parties.
D. to conform with electoral act.
Which of the following agencies helps the most in shaping public opinion?
A. Pressure groups
B. Mass media
C. Colleges and universities
D. Peer groups
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Government WAEC Essay Questions
This paper consists of two sections A and B. Answer two questions from Section A and three questions from Section B.
Section A
1.(a) Define Communism.
1.(b) Outline four features of Communism.
2.(a) Describe the principle of the Rule of law.
2.(b) How can it be ensured in a state?
3.Highlight any six ways by which the rights of a citizen can be protected.
4.(a) Define Public opinion.
4.(b) Explain three factors that can promote public opinion * in a state.
5.State six importance of local governments in a state.
WAEC Government Theory Questions
PAPER 2: Theory Questions Section B
6.Outline any six roles played by traditional rulers during the British Colonial rule in Nigeria.
7.(a) Describe the Crown Colony system.
7.(b) Give four reasons why the Crown Colony system was unpopular among the educated elite.
8.(a) What is Nationalist Movement?
8.(b) Highlight five effects of nationalist activites in British West Africa.
9.(a) Outline three merits of the Lyttleton Constitution.
9.(b) Highlight three demerits of the Constitution.
10. Give six reasons for the reluctance of military regimes to hand over power to civilian administrations.
11. Highlight three merits and three demerits of Africa as the centre piece of Sigerta Foreign Policy.
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