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NECO Agricultural Science Past Questions Download – Objective, Theory/Essay

Are you writing the National Examination Council NECO internal/external exam, if yes you need the NECO Agricultural Science Past Questions.

we at has compiled a good number of Agricultural Science NECO Past Questions in pdf.
Agricultural Science Paper 2 – Theory/Essay Questions.
Agricultural Science Paper 3 – Objective Test Questions.

Our research has confirm that candidate that uses National Examination Council Economics past questions to prepare for NECO is ten times better than those who do not.

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NECO Agricultural Science Objective Questions – Paper 3.

Agricultural Science PAPER III
Paper 3 will last for 1 hours
Attempt all questions from this section
Answer Paper 3 on your objective test answer sheet,
Use HB pencil throughout.

NECO Paper 3 Objective Test Questions in Agricultural Science.

1. The provision of electricity and health-care centres in agricultural communities is aimed at
A. increasing the skilled manpower of the rural communities.
B. mitigating the problem of inadequate storage facilities.
C. reducing the problem of inadequate rural infrastructure.
D. solving the problem of unpredictable climate.
E. training the rural populace on new agricultural technique.

2. Operation Feed the Nation was introduced by Nigerian government in order to
A. increase food production for
B. make farm inputs readily available to farmers.
C. monitor the price of agricultural produce.
D. sensitize farmers on new farm innovations.
E. support the coordination of farmers’ cooperatives.

3. Which of the following agricultural produce is wrongly matched to its agro-industry?
A. Beverages —? coffee
B. Breweries —? tea
C. Soap industry —? palm oil
D. Starch industry —? cassava
E. Textile —? cotton

4. The most limiting environmental factor affecting agricultural production in Nigeria is
A. pressure.
B. rainfall.
C. sunlight.
D. temperature.
E. topography.

5. The following are agricultural uses of land except for
A forest reserves.
B livestock production.
C Prodction of crops.
D. residential purposes
E. wildlife reservation.

6. In agro-ecosystem, sheep and goats are best referred to as
A. primary consumers.
B. primary producers.
C. secondary consumers.
D. secondary producers.
E. tertiary consumers.

7. The common feature of igneous and metamorphic rocks is that they
A. are cemented by clay particles.
B. are formed in strata.
C. are shinny in nature.
D. are soft in nature.
E. contain fossils.

8. The metamorphic rock that is formed from limestone is
A. gneiss.
B. marble.
C. quartzite.
D. schist.
E. slate.

9. Man contributes to the formation of soil by
A. applying radioactive substances on earth crust.
B. excessive use of agro-chemicals.
C. irrigating the lar.d.
D. practising clean-clearing.
E. quarrying of rocks.

10. Intra-zonal soil with high salt concentration is regarded as
A. alluvial.
B. calcimorphic.
C. holomerphic.
D. hydromorphic.
E. pedalfers.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 11 and 12.

11. The diagram represents an experiment to
A. compare porosity of soil samples.
B. demonstrate presence of living organism in the soil.
C. determine moisture content of soil sample.
D. determine percentage organic matter content in the soil.
E. determine the capillary action of soil sample.

12. If the experimental set up is allowed to stand for six hours, the colour of lime water will turn
A. blue black.
B. brown.
C. light blue.
D. milky.
E. yellow.

13. When a growing plant shows chlorosis with parallel yellowish streaks along the veins of the leaves, the soil is likely to be deficient in
A. boron.
B. magnesium
C. phosphorus
D. potassium.
E. sulphur.

14. It is advisable to allow the decomposition of farmyard manure in the soil before planting in order to
A. avoid the destruction of soil structure.
B. discourage the wastage of the undecomposed manure.
C. prevent the introduction of disease pathogens.
D. protect the crop roots from the heat generated.
E. reduce the compaction of the soil by the manure.

15. Nitrogen is made available to plants in the form of nitrates through the process of
A. ammonification and denitrification.
B. nitrification and ammonification.
C. nisriricaucr. ar.d denitrification.
D. putrefaction and ammonification.
E. volatisation and nitrification.

16. An effect of pollution on agricultural production is that it
A. causes soil nutrient loss.
B. destroys soil beneficial organisms.
C. leads to fast growth of crops.
D. prolongs crop maturity.
E. reduces disease infection.

17. Which of the following is not an advantage of sprinkler method of irrigation?
A. Better use of available water
B. Efficient application of water
C. Keeps soil erosion at minimal
D. Permits foliar application of fertilizer
E. Requires high power for pumping

18. Subsurface drainage system involves the use of
A. field drains.
B. lateral ditches.
C. open ditches.
D. pump outlets.
E. underground tiles.

19. The survey instrument represented by the diagram below is used for
A. calculating weight and breath.
B. marking stations.
C. measuring horizontal angle planes.
D. taking bearing.
E. taking offset measurement.

20. Which of the following precautions should be taken when using draught animals?
A. Allow the animals to control their direction
B. Allow the animals to work only for long hours
C. Apply muzzle to the mouth of the animals
D. Attach farm implement to their hind limb
E. Serve the animals feed during the operation

Questions No 21-60 Omitted/Removed

NECO Essay Questions on Agricultural Science Paper 2

Agricultural Science PAPER II

This paper consists of Five Sections: A, B, C, D and E.
Answer five questions only: one from each section .
Write your answer in blue or black ink in your answer booklet.
All questions carry equal marks.

Agricultural Science NECO Theory Questions – SECTION A


Answer one question from this section.

la. Outline three solutions to each of the following problems of agricultural development in Nigeria.
(i) Inadequate land (3 marks).
(ii) Inadequate credit facilities (3 marks).
b. State three governmental organizations that are involved in improving agricultural production in Nigeria. (3 marks).
c. (i) List three post planting operations that require the use of mechanical power on the farm. (3 marks).
(ii) Enumerate four ways of improving agriculture through
mechanization. (4 marks).

Questions No 2 Omitted/removed

NECO Theory Questions for Agric Science – SECTION B


Answer one question from this section.

3a.(i) Define drainage. (2 marks)
(ii) Enumerate two types of drainage. (2 marks)
b. List four merits of controlled burning as a farming practice. (4 marks)
c.Mention one function each of the following micro nutrients in the soil.
(i) Copper (1 mark)
(ii) Boron (1 mark)
(iii) Zinc (1 mark)
d.Outline three main physical weathering agents for soil formation in
Nigeria. (3marks.)
e.Differentiate between commensalism and mutualism in an agro-eccs stem. (2 marks)

Questions No 4 Omitted/removed

Agricultural Science NECO Theory Questions – SECTION C.


Answer one question from this section.

5a. State three differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonousnplants. (3 marks)
b. Write down the botanical names of the plants below.
(i) Kola nut (1 mark)
(ii) Cassava (1 mark)
(iii) Rubber (1 mark)
(iv) Tomato (1 mark)

Questions No 6 Omitted/removed

NECO Agric Past Questions Essay – SECTION D.


Answer one question from this section.
7a.(i) Define the term “Allelomorphs”. (2 marks)
(ii) Outline three disadvantages of artificial insemination in animal

Questions No 8 Omitted/removed

Essay Questions on Agricultural Science -SECTION E.


Answer one question from this section.

9a. A new vaccine from National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom was introduced by group method to 500 Gwari poultry fanners who were later classified by the extension agent as follows:
Innovators 80
Late adopters 200
Never adopters 130

(i) Calculate the percentage of the farmers that will be classified as early adopters of the vaccine. (2 marks)

(ii) State two implications of this percentage to the agent and the
institute. (2 marks)
(iii) Give four reasons for the use of group method cf dissemination
of the new idea by the extension agent. (4 marks)
b, (i) Prepare a profit and loss account for Shehu’s farm for the year 2014, from the following information:
(i) Opening valuation N100,000
(ii) Closing valuation M52,000
(iii) Cost of milking machine N850,000
(iv) Sale of milking machine N250,000
(V) Cost of labour N65.000
(vi) Sale of milk produced N900.I 0O (4 marks)
(ii) Calculate the depreciation of the milking machine in the farm. (2 marks)
(iii) State two importance of the farm valuation. (2 marks)

Questions No 10 Omitted/removed

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