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Image of TRCN Certificate Sample | What is Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria

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Appreciable amount of on-line reader have asked us what Image of Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria TRCN Certificate looks like. The more interesting part are mails from online reader overseas asking for TRCN Certificate sample.

Possibly someone has submitted the certificate somewhere and they want to check what it truly looks like. Who knows?

Read Also: Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria Past Questions

What is TRCN

T R C N stand for Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria.

An agency of the Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria. It was established by the T R C N-Decree N0. 31 of 1993 (now T R C N-Act CAP T3 of 2004).

The major mandates are the regulation and control of the Teaching Profession at all levels of the Nigerian Education system, both in the public and private sectors.


To assure excellence and professionalism among teachers at all levels of the nation’s education system, using effective registration,

Vision Statement
An effectively regulated teaching profession in Nigeria founded upon robust teacher education and practice and where teacher quality,

Here Is What Image of TRCN Certificate Looks like

For the sake of answering this question, Here is an Image in png format of TRCN Certificate. A quick entry on Google will fetch out a lot of results in Google Images.

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