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When is WAEC GCE 2018 Registration Starting, Closing, Exam Date, Where to Buy

How much is waec gce form or pin for 2018, where to buy waec gce form for this year, when is waec gce registration starting and closing date, how to register, when is the exam starting, can waec and gce be combine and when will the result be out.

When is WAEC GCE 2018 Registration Starting

WAEC GCE normal registration period Start from Monday, May 14, to Friday, July 06, 2018.

How Much is WAEC GCE form or Pin for 2018.

At the time of writing this article, the official cost of the WAEC GCE Registration Pin for 2018 is N14, 450.

When is WAEC GCE 2018 Registration Closing

waec gce for private candidate registration end July 6, 2018.

Where to Buy WAEC GCE form or Pin for 2018.

You can buy it from the nearest WAEC Offices or from participated banks and cyber cafes nearer to you. Of course, the cost of the pin may differ depending on the buying source.
You can get it in the following participating bank.
Zenith Bank
Fidelity Bank
UBA Bank
First Bank.
Diamond Bank.
First City Monument Bank
Wema Bank


How to Register for WAEC GCE 2018

After purchasing the waec registration pin, you may need to located an accredited internet cafes to register for the examination. Some of them collect fee ranging from N500 to N1500 per registration.
This fee is not fixed and the final cost will depend on your negotiation power.

When is WAEC GCE Exam Starting

The WAEC first series is a recently introduced urban-based examination. Examination is conducted between Jan/Feb.
The Second series is the existing WASSCE for Private Candidates examination it is normally written between August/September of every year.

Can WAEC and GCE Result be Combined

These are some of the questions asked by applicant who want to apply for admission into a tertiary institution. due to incomplete grades or deficiency in grade for Subjects necessary for admission into a particular Course in the University.
When this happens especially if it’s WAEC result or NECO Result, the person will have to sit for GCE examination so as to Credit the course he or she was unable to credit in the Regular Examination or get up to the required number of Credits for admission.
If you have asked any of the questions above, then we are happy to inform you that Any Institution which accept Two 2 sittings for admission will as well accept combination of NECO or WAEC with WAEC GCE or NECO GCE Result.
However, Candidates who are using only One Sitting are to note that most universities requires passing five Credit in O-Level Result at one Sitting while a minimum of 6 Credits at Two sittings in relevant areas to the course of study irrespective of different years in the certificate.

When Will WAEC GCE 2018 Result Be Out

According to predictions and calculations, the WAEC GCE 2018 result would be released by late December 2018 or early January 2019.

Read Also,
How to Check My WAEC Result When Out
WAEC GCE Time Table
Complete Approved list of Subject in waec gce

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